Non collegare queste 9 cose a una ciabatta!

Questa informazione è scritta su ogni dispositivo elettrico, proprio come sulla multipresa. Spiegherò questo usando un esempio particolare. Immagina che la potenza massima che la tua multipresa può gestire sia di 3500 watt. Per usare il tuo forno, che necessita di 2500 watt, devi collegarlo. Ad esempio, considera il tuo aspirapolvere da 800 W e il tuo bollitore da 250 W. Con un totale di 3550 watt (2500 + 800 + 250), hai superato il limite di 3500 watt. In questa situazione specifica, c’è solo una soluzione.

Per ridurre la potenza utilizzata dalla multipresa, scollega uno dei dispositivi elettrici da essa. Se non gestito correttamente, può essere molto pericoloso. Ecco un elenco di cose che non dovrebbero essere collegate a una multipresa.

Innanzitutto, la stufa.
It would be difficult to find a home appliance that uses more energy than the oven. Even if you don’t use it often, never plug it into a power strip!

To avoid the risk of dangerous overheating, it is best to use a different electrical socket.

2. Simplify the text. The chilly room

To see the list of ingredients and full cooking directions, please continue reading.

Now I am ready for whatever you are going to tell me. When it comes to using energy, the refrigerator is not the most energy-consuming appliance. In our opinion, it should be helpful because it doesn’t use too much power from the grid.

An extra cable will work well with it. Wow! Remember that the power strip is always connected to the refrigerator and receiving electricity. The main idea is that you require an extension cable to operate this type of device. Next, I will talk about refrigerators, but this also applies to freezers.

Item three: the washing machine.

A washing machine uses about 1,150 kilowatt-hours of energy every year. Therefore, it is not a good option for a power strip because it uses a large amount of electricity.

To avoid the extension cord getting too hot or causing a short circuit, connect the washing machine directly to a power outlet. Tumble dryers are the same. It’s not recommended to plug them into a power strip due to their high power consumption.

Could you please provide the text that you would like me to simplify? Additional heating

I’m not saying you shouldn’t use it, but be sure to plug it in. Avoid using an extension cord because it can quickly overload the power strip.

Number 5. A microwave.

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